Read more about the article Spotting the Tiger: Identifying Early Symptoms of Eating Disorders in Children for Timely Intervention
A nurse is talking to the patient who is sitting on the examination table.

Spotting the Tiger: Identifying Early Symptoms of Eating Disorders in Children for Timely Intervention

In the powerful documentary, "Spotting the Tiger," narrated by Oscar Award Winner Jamie Lee Curtis, the film emphasizes the importance of recognizing early warning signs of eating disorders in children.…

Read more about the article Christmas and a New Year
A nurse is talking to the patient who is sitting on the examination table.

Christmas and a New Year

Everyone in our field knows that the Holiday season provides special challenges to those with eating disorders, be those restricting, bingeing and purging or predominantly bingeing eating disorders.  Add to…

Read more about the article Where Are The Grown-Ups?
A nurse is talking to the patient who is sitting on the examination table.

Where Are The Grown-Ups?

I read an article on Medpage the other day - “Docs have Role in Preventing Childhood Obesity” - about recent recommendations by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), which I found both…

Read more about the article Eating Junk
A nurse is talking to the patient who is sitting on the examination table.

Eating Junk

Recently a patient of ours returned from a treatment setting where she had been presented with “challenge foods”.  In her case she had been given cheetos and soda pop.  Now…