Two Lessons Everyone Should Learn About Eating Disorders

There are two posts I hope to make people aware of, beyond the mere fact of a link on our website to them:

  1. This one is simple: a fact sheet about hypophosphatemia and refeeding syndrome for parents. This is intended to empower parents to be certain that whoever is treating their child is aware of these potentially life-threatening complications. It can be found here: hypophosphatemia.
  2. This one is hard: Laura Collins wrote a much needed commentary on the death of the model Isabelle Caro and subsequent suicide of her mother. As Laura pointed out, the grotesque pictures of this unfortunate, mentally ill young woman that were plastered everywhere were not only counter-productive in terms of helping her, they were misleading for other sufferers. As Laura points out in her essay, the message “look at what too much attention to the Media gets you” is ridiculous. Isabelle had a severe brain disorder; how can anyone doubt it? And then when her mother killed herself, the false take-away message seemed to be: “yeah I would kill myself too if I had done that to my daughter…”

Anorexia nervosa is a brain disorder, a severe mental (brain function) illness. The media does not cause it and her poor mother, no matter how ill or even downright bad she may have been, couldn’t have caused it either.