Silent night from the Blogosphere

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I have been silent here on my blog over the Christmas and New Year’s holiday, traditionally a hard time for our patients.

Christmas and Hanukkah, with all of the candies and sweets and comments about weight and failed diets, can be a challenge for our patients—although I have been impressed with how calm it was this year.

Those who must spend the holidays in the hospital have had it especially hard.  Families from the East Coast or other places thousands of miles away (Alaska!) have had to navigate the sadness of being in the Ronald McDonald House instead of at home with loved ones.  Yet another example of the parental dedication our team sees every day.

And then there’s those New Year’s resolutions…ever noticed how many have to do with losing weight?  What can I say?  There are triggers for our patients everywhere.

Now that we are safely past those issues for 2009, what needs do we have?  What would you like to see me cover in the next blog(s)?  How can I be useful to you?