Health Insurance Reform – Time to Speak Out

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Dear Kartini Families –

We don’t usually wade into politcal issues on this blog, but these are desperate times for many of our families, and we are determined to advocate on their behalf. Insurance reform was dealt a significant, if not fatal, setback this week with the loss of a filibuster-proof majority for Democrats in the US Senate. It is now imperative that everyone who has felt the injustice of predatory insurance industry practices speak up and be heard. Please call your Congressional representative and both your Senators and urge them to support meaningful insurance reform. This is not a political issue; healthcare does not belong to any political party. This is a public health issue that affects each and every American, whether you think you have good insurance or not. The fact is, the current state of mental health insurance is a national disgrace, with millions of children with eating disorders subjected to the ridiculous and capricious policies of mental health insurers.

The National Eating Disorder Association is now conducting a national campaign to expose these practices. They are asking for people to come forward to share their experiences so that indivual voices can be hear amidst all the poltical noise and confusion. More than charts or graphs or sound bites, it’s the poignant human story which often can be a catalyst for real change. To learn more about how to share the story of your battle to have your child’s eating disorder treatment covered please see NEDA’s page.


Morgan O’Toole

CEO, Kartini Clinic.