Read more about the article Spotting the Tiger: Identifying Early Symptoms of Eating Disorders in Children for Timely Intervention
A nurse is talking to the patient who is sitting on the examination table.

Spotting the Tiger: Identifying Early Symptoms of Eating Disorders in Children for Timely Intervention

In the powerful documentary, "Spotting the Tiger," narrated by Oscar Award Winner Jamie Lee Curtis, the film emphasizes the importance of recognizing early warning signs of eating disorders in children.…

Read more about the article ARFID Revisited
A nurse is talking to the patient who is sitting on the examination table.

ARFID Revisited

The longer I treat children with eating disorders, the more I begin to doubt the usefulness of exact nomenclature. In 2000, at the founding of our Kartini Day Treatment Unit,…

Read more about the article Relapse
A nurse is talking to the patient who is sitting on the examination table.


Is anorexia nervosa (AN) a chronic illness? What do we mean when we say that AN, or any other eating disorder, is a chronic illness? Wikipedia says: “The term chronic…

Read more about the article Diabetes
A nurse is talking to the patient who is sitting on the examination table.


Approximately 1.25 million American children and adults have type 1 diabetes (T1DM), according to the American Diabetes Association. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune process whereby the insulin-producing cells of…

Read more about the article The Promise of Personalized Medicine
A nurse is talking to the patient who is sitting on the examination table.

The Promise of Personalized Medicine

Advances in medicine come in all shapes and sizes: vaccines, antibiotics, anti-virals, immune system boosters and reducers, technological changes and recently, the hope that faster, cheaper and more accurate genetic…

Read more about the article The Stigma of Mental Illness
A nurse is talking to the patient who is sitting on the examination table.

The Stigma of Mental Illness

Lots of ink is been spilled on the subject of the stigma associated with having an eating disorder.  And in order to discuss the subject sensibly we need to get…