Read more about the article Relapse
A nurse is talking to the patient who is sitting on the examination table.


Is anorexia nervosa (AN) a chronic illness? What do we mean when we say that AN, or any other eating disorder, is a chronic illness? Wikipedia says: “The term chronic…

Read more about the article The Secret Language of Eating Disorders
A nurse is talking to the patient who is sitting on the examination table.

The Secret Language of Eating Disorders

The canny ability of eating disorders to twist even the most kindly meant words is something that is experienced by almost all our patients. We originally published this post back…

Read more about the article The Ten Percent
A nurse is talking to the patient who is sitting on the examination table.

The Ten Percent

The literature on lifetime mortality (the death rate) from anorexia nervosa has been cited as 20%, 10% and 5%, but I think whichever turns out to be the real number,…

Read more about the article Self Punishing
A nurse is talking to the patient who is sitting on the examination table.

Self Punishing

One of the lesser known symptoms of early onset anorexia nervosa is “self abnegation” or even “self punishment.” Although these symptoms can be seen in older patients (adolescents) too, our…