Beware the class on health and fitness

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Although most of us would agree that classes on health and fitness can be fun and informative for many kids, they can be stressful for some and positively destructive for others.

Let me give you an example of the latter: a young girl in Middle School who was seeing me for the first time reported her P.E. teacher as having divided her class into three groups:  “the top models” (girls whose BMI were below average, i.e. the “skinny” ones), the “averages” and “the biggest losers”.  Can you imagine? She and three other girls were consigned to “biggest losers” and the teacher had them record their food intake and gave them dietary advice. This same teacher weighed all the kids, figured their BMI and posted the results for all to see and compare.

Never mind how triggering this could be for an eating disordered patient— how humiliating could this be for a child of larger than average size?! This is wrong, and yet it happens.

We have heard of “health” teachers measuring upper arm circumference and using calipers to measure “fat mass”.  Same objection.  Imagine this being done at your work place—no one would humiliate adults in this fashion (they would protest, refuse or walk out), but children and even teens are helpless to fight back.

If your child has or has had an eating disorder, please be pro-active in finding out what takes place in your child’s PE or health class and SPEAK UP if it’s inappropriate.  You have the right—and the duty– to refuse dangerous and potentially humiliating interventions.  Be informed and then inform us.  This is your forum to speak out.